FreeBSD Port: textproc/elasticsearch5-x-pack

Mark Felder feld at
Wed Mar 14 16:48:10 UTC 2018

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018, at 13:40, Sonny Smith wrote:
> Hello Elastic!
> Is there a port for Logstash x-pack? If not, has anyone gotten
> "logstash-plugin" to execute on FreeBSD?
> Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

I'm working through these issues right now, but currently focusing on version 6.x. The "x-pack" packages for 5.x will most certainly be removed because they're not doing the right things. You are not supposed to be downloading/extracting the zip file for x-pack, which is what we're doing with the packages. There is more to it as handled by the "foo-plugin" tools.

If all goes well the plugin scripts could be fixed today, but I hope by the end of the week for sure.

  Mark Felder
  ports-secteam & portmgr member
  feld at

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