RCP Delta Pack files for FreeBSD

Heiner Strauß heiner_ej at yahoo.de
Sat Jun 6 17:07:02 UTC 2009

Am Freitag, den 05.06.2009, 17:05 -0600 schrieb Cyrus Rahman:
> I'm trying to get an Eclipse RCP application to run on FreeBSD.  It's
> been set up so that the target platform location has been moved from
> /usr/local/eclipse to a private directory containing many third party
> files and within which the distributed delta pack is installed.
> I can get it to build and run correctly on FreeBSD by copying files
> from /usr/local/eclipse to the target platform location, namely the
> *freebsd* files from /usr/local/eclipse/plugins - but only if I use
> the 'Launch an Eclipse application' approach.  If I try to export the
> application using the export wizard, the export process succeeds but
> no launcher is present in the export directory.  If I copy
> /usr/local/eclipse/eclipse into the export directory, I can start the
> application but it complains that MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME cannot be found in
> the environment and it exits after displaying the splash screen.
> If I set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to either of /usr/local/lib/firefox or
> /usr/local/lib/firefox3, it runs further but either exits with a
> java-out-of-memory error or it hangs and must be killed.
> I am guessing I have not set up the correct environment to run it
> outside of Eclipse.  What do I need to do to generate the FreeBSD
> portion of a delta pack?
> It seems like I'm awfully close but that perhaps I'm linking to the
> wrong library - it is not necessary to set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME if I
> export a simple RCP application when the target platform location is
> /usr/local/eclipse.
> In this simple case the launcher is correctly copied to the export
> directory, too.

when I had complaints about MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME I did this:

# FreeBSD-specific startup script for Eclipse Platform
# See: http://www.eclipse.org
# $FreeBSD: ports/java/eclipse/files/eclipse.in,v 1.12 2009/02/15
03:19:41 glewis Exp $

because firefox3 won't work. You need to install xulrunner from ports.
Hope this helps.


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