update needed on FreeBSD wiki: BeagleBone Black HDMI support

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-lists at be-well.ilk.org
Mon Sep 14 21:55:51 UTC 2015

Mike Brown <mike at skew.org> writes:

> Someone needs to update https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/BeagleBoneBlack
> to move "HDMI output / framebuffer" from the "What still needs to be done"
> section to the "What works" section. Also strike out the first item in the 
> Known Issues section and add "Fixed in r284534" (or maybe r285868...see the 
> link below)

Done. I used the earlier revision because the later one seems to only be
a cosmetic issue.

> ...I don't know if it is only in 11-CURRENT or if it has also been
> incorporated into 10-STABLE...that would be good to know.

It's only in HEAD so far, but that applies to other things on that page
as well, so I didn't note it.

> Also at the bottom of the page the mention of 10.2-RELEASE needs to be 
> 10.2-STABLE.

I don't know about that, so I left it alone.

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