What is the proper indent style for FDP?

Hoyoung Kim trig4800 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 23:10:10 UTC 2015

I got it. Thank you!

On 07/19/2015 08:08, Warren Block wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jul 2015, Warren Block wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Jul 2015, Hoyoung Kim wrote:
>>> Hello. I'm curious about indentation style.
>>> Which is the proper one when dealing with FDP xml files?
>>> The original FDP files follow the style like this:
>>>      <para>We have tried to keep the number of forward references in
>>>        the text to a minimum so that you can read this section of the
>>>        Handbook from front to back with the minimum page flipping
>>>        required.</para>
>>> This is another example:
>>>    <listitem>
>>>      <para>Introduce you to X, the &unix; windowing system, and
>>>        detail how to configure a desktop environment that makes
>>>        you more productive.</para>
>>>    </listitem>
>> These are correct.
> To add to this, if editing an existing section, see
> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/writing-style-guide.html#writing-style-whitespace-changes 
> In short, whitespace-only changes to existing documents (indenting, 
> blank lines, adding spaces) should be kept separate from content 
> changes.  Save them in a separate patch, for example.

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