Updating translation workflow

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Tue Aug 20 17:10:58 UTC 2013

On Tue, 20 Aug 2013, Gabor Pali wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com> wrote:
>> Well, yes, but this appears to be manual and does not automatically
>> translate the same strings that are found in other documents.  That is part
>> of what the newer automated systems do.
> Erm, I am a bit skeptic about this as nouns (and expressions) in
> Hungarian may be conjugated; inserting them into a sentence would
> require one to understand the original context of the word -- that is,
> if some automated system could translate those words in case of such a
> language, no humans would be required any more at all... :-)

I would think translations of larger strings ("This is an example of a 
FreeBSD system") would override translations of smaller strings 

But it's not clear, and a test would help.  Certainly it can be made to 
work.  Other large projects are using these systems, with a lot of 
content translated.  Because of the translation database, rewrites or 
massive edits would force the translators to start over.

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