Graphic Design Blog

Karen Hartley karen.hartley at
Fri Oct 5 19:30:05 UTC 2012

Hi webmaster,

I designed a site dedicated to graphic design education and a 
resource guide for students called  . There just 
isn't enough info available out there about graphic design and the most 
efficient ways to find the best training within the school system, so I wanted 
to reach out to you to help spread the word about how I can help anyone 
interesting in graphic design.

It is certainly a competitive field and thats why I tried to lay out 
all the info anyone needs to know in one place. I created the site to 
help lay out all the most FAQ's that I have come across that studnets 
would need to know. I hope you find it useful along with anyone you would 
like to forward it to.

As you have a related site, would you mind helping me to connect 
others with my site by adding it to your resources page of 

Thank you so much for your time and any effort to add my link to your 
page would be appreciated!

Best Regards,
Karen Hartley

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