handbook/network-servers: a note about ntpdate might be added

Manolis Kiagias sonic2000gr at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 06:08:17 UTC 2011

On 12/11/2011 12:19 πμ, Taras Korenko wrote:
>    Hi, folks.
>    According to [1], the ntpdate utility is to be retired from&os;.  This info
> might also be reflected as a note in ' Basic Configuration' of [2].
>    I hope that the position of insertion is correct, but my wording definitely
> requires a lot of polishing :-/
>    handbook/network-servers/chapter.sgml,v 1.138
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    5306	<sect3>
>    5307		<title>Basic Configuration</title>
>    5308		<indexterm><primary>ntpdate</primary></indexterm>
>    5309	
>                  <note>
>                    <para>The following information about&man.ntpdate.8; is still
>                      applicable, but keep in mind that the ntpdate utility is to
>                      be retired soon from&os;.</para>
>                  </note>
>    5310		<para>If you only wish to synchronize your clock when the
>    5311		  machine boots up, you can use&man.ntpdate.8;.  This may be
>    ....
>    5328	</sect3>
>    5329	
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ntpdate
> 2. http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-ntp.html

The Handbook only refers to ntpdate for the one-off setting of the clock 
during boot. In fact ntpd supports also this kind of setting using the 
following in rc.conf:


I think we should include this info and either remove the info on 
ntpdate or clearly mark it as a secondary and deprecated option. Ideas?

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