Broken links

John john at
Thu Jan 21 17:41:42 UTC 2010

The "Getting FreeBSD" page,, which
is pretty prominent, has broken links, such as the Hardware Notes
for FreeBSD 7.2-RLEASE i386

I think that's one that people are going to want.

While I'm pestering you - why is the 8.2 section so sparse?  Just
a case of not being done yet, or are there documents that need to
be linked in here?

In fact, I'm having trouble finding hardware lists on the site at all
right now, except by searching Hardware, which did lead me to: which works, but
is not platform-specific.  Oh, actually, it just refers me to
"the Hardware Notes supplied with each release" which is what I was
trying to get to in the first place, so this is a dead-end, too...

When I go to the release notes, such as
the word "hardware" is not even on the page.

By going to Supported Platforms, and then the FreeBSD/i386 project
I finally find a link that says "Hardware List", but it is
with the "hw" tag being trivially identifed with the following header.

Finally, by following a link that specifically talks about "Supproted CPUS"
I get to
but I don't think it should be this hard.

Thanks for all your work!

John Lind
john at starfire.MN.ORG

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