cvs commit: www/share/sgml news.xml

Murray Stokely murray at
Thu Jul 31 17:43:55 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Simon L. Nielsen <simon at> wrote:
> Making the front page only pick X entries and not entries from X days
> would be a great project for someone (else)...
> I looked at fixing the XSLT but due to the format of news.xml I
> couldn't make it work and I unfortunatly don't have the time to change
> news.xml to a less annoying format.
> Anyway, enough ranting for this time :-).

Hah yes, I am pretty sure I have sent a similar mail to doc@ several
years ago.  It chooses events from the last N days, not the last N
events.  So when we have multiple events on days the list can get
quite long.  It sounds pretty easy but the xslt is a bit trickier than
you would think and I also didn't solve it the last time I tried.

         - Murray

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