Partition Layout in the Handbook

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Thu Jan 17 14:21:30 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 09:46:31AM +0200, Marc Silver wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I noticed that section 2.6.5 of the handbook talks about the partition
> layout of a new FreeBSD installation.  The handbook lists the default
> partition sizes as being:

The layout is not presented as a default, this is more a minimal or
something some would call minimal.

> 128MB for /
> 256MB for /var
> However, a quick look in /usr/src/usr/sbin/sysinstall/label.c shows that
> the default sizes used now are:
> 512MB for /
> 1GB for /var

This is the default you get when you press A, *and* when you you have a
 >8GB disk?  I think there are 2 (no source under the hand to check)
algo. to find a working layout depending the size of the hdd.

> These sizes are used assuming the disk is big enough.  My question...
> should the handbook be updated with this information?  If so I'd like to
> work up a patch (complete with new screenshots etc.) to correct this
> information.

If it's to use the sizes you have when you press A, you will miss in
part the point of the section which is:

- introducing a working vanilla layout (not always the default
  sysinstall sizes).
- example of auto-default ('A') use;
- exemple of manual partitions creation (which should be different from
  the default sizes you get with 'A').


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