Documentation on wireless

Frank Quinn snesreviews at
Sat May 5 00:45:24 UTC 2007

Hi guys/girls,

First of all, nice work on the documentation - nobody likes doing it! Just a little thing though - I'm pretty new to freebsd (but quite familiar with linux and solaris) so I looked to the handbook on how to configure my wireless settings ( and I just noticed one oversight - with the line outlined below:

ifconfig_ath0="authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP"Which didn't work for me, as the 01234567 part seemed to get padded out to 104 bit (I'm assuming 128) instead of 40 ( I'm assuming 64) according to ifconfig. Based on this, I would assume this would work for 128-bit WEP but for my little 64-bit WEP network, I needed to use the following:ifconfig_ath0="authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 1:0x01234567 DHCP"

Just thought it might save somebody else tearing their hair out in the future :).


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