- weblink error

Johann Kois jkois at
Sat Dec 22 12:51:10 UTC 2007

Johann Kois schrieb:
> Doug Barton schrieb:
>> On Tue, 18 Dec 2007, GV Damn wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On the page
>>> of your website their's supposed to be a link to:
>>> "TCFS: A Transparent Cryptographic File System"
>>> It seems as if this link doesn't point to the site mentioned.
>> What I see on the live web site is:
>> <li><a id="tcfs" name="tcfs" href="">TCFS</a>: A 
>> Transparent Cryptographic File System ....
>> Can you either confirm that you see the same, or paste the html that 
>> you're seeing? (After clearing your cache and refreshing the page of 
>> course.)
> Hm.  I think what "GV Damn" wants to say is that this link works
> but is now pointing to the wrong site. is now a web
> directory (a link collection basically).
> Problem with correcting the URL (the right one is probably
> is that this site is not working at the
> moment (returns only an empty page).  So I am not sure what to do
> with this problem.  Maybe we should remove the link totally as there
> is no useable website?

Okay.  I found the correct URL. It  is:

I will make the change.  The corrected version should be online within
the next 24 hours.  Thanks for the info.

Johann Kois
jkois at

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