Questionable statement in article

Glenn Sieb ges+lists at
Wed Aug 11 04:47:46 UTC 2004

Roman Neuhauser said the following on 8/10/2004 3:25 PM:

>    I see you mix "in BSD" with "for BSD" as you see fit for your
>    argument. Yes, Apache *is* developed *in BSD*, besides other
>    operating systems (and *for* BSD, besides other operating systems).
Not intentionally, Roman. Don't see attacks where there are none. I've 
said (repeatedly now) that I love the OS and have been using it since 
version 4.1. (Actually I think it was 4.1 beta)

>    Apache's AcceptFilter is AFAICT a FreeBSD-specific feature, which
>    would even make it fit your slightly shifted definition ("developed
>    *for* BSD).
Cool.. I didn't know that! :)

>    But you're missing the fact that you're changing the playground in the
>    middle of the game.
Again, as I've said, not intentionally.

>    Oh, here we're back at "develop in". You should have said in the
>    previous mail that you "don't see Oracle, Legato, or Veritas
>    development happening in BSD". Your previous statement implied much
>    broader scope.
Yes, well. Thanks to Mercury being retrograde again.

So let's put the knives down and discuss things that maybe we can do to 
help encourage vendors to make their software available for BSD. 
Personally, I think Oracle Collab Suite (as a prime example) would do 
amazingly well on a BSD platform. But of course, I'm a little biased 
that way :)


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