docs/58318: missing modifier in crontab(5) manpage (changes meaning...)

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Oct 21 22:46:53 UTC 2003

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Ceri Davies wrote:

> I think you'll find that they *are* allowed (that is the nature of the
> extension).  Read the paragraph again, bearing in mind that you are
> reading about Vixie cron:
>   Lists and ranges are allowed to co-exist in the same field.
>   "1-3,7-9" would be rejected by ATT or BSD cron -- they want to see
>   "1-3" or "7,8,9" ONLY.
>  i.e. this cron does allow it.

Some slight editing might be in order:

    Lists and ranges are allowed to co-exist in the same field.
    (Traditional ATT or BSD cron would reject "1-3,7-9" -- they
    want to see "1-3" or "7,8,9" ONLY.)

Or something like that.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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