docs/54806: [patch] adds fvwm2 to x11-wm

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Thu Jul 24 18:40:20 UTC 2003

The following reply was made to PR docs/54806; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Marc Fonvieille <blackend at>
To: Josef El-Rayes <j.el-rayes at>
Cc: FreeBSD-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: docs/54806: [patch] adds fvwm2 to x11-wm
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 20:32:19 +0200

 On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 02:14:15PM +0200, Josef El-Rayes wrote:
 > >Description:
 > 		This adds fvwm2 to x11-wm page. In my opinion this was
 > 		definitely missing. When there is some content about gnome,
 > 		kde and xfce, there should also be some content about the
 > 		'mother of window managers & desktop environments'.
 > 		If appreciated i could add some text about blackbox and its
 > 		offsprings.
 This section focus mainly on "desktops environments", but why not
 talking about some window managers.  So why FVWM 2 and not TWM,
 AfterStep, Window Maker, IceWM, fluxbox etc. ?  FVWM is a great window
 manager but I don't think the audience of that section will like FVWM.
 Why not adding a link to the page (this
 page is guide to all window managers.) and then pointing the reader to
 our ports/x11-wm directory?
 Tell me what you think about that.

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