Docbook dependencies confused...

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Sun Jul 6 03:28:57 UTC 2003

Hi, all--

About a month ago, I made a fairly serious effort to understand Docbook, and I 
got to the point where I could mostly run through the FDP, albeit generating 
vast numbers of warnings whenever I ran jade, sgmlnorm, or whatever.  I 
discovered that doing a "make reinstall" of each of the dependencies, such as 
textproc/html or textproc/iso8879 had benefical effects.

I managed to replicate the process of having the dependencies for docbook become 
confused by doing the somewhat drastic  "pkg_delete -a ; cd 
/usr/ports/textproc/docbook ; make install".  Things like jade, libxml2, 
docbook-xml-4.2_1 weren't reinstalled, nor was peps, ghostscript, etc.

[ Hmm.  I'm going to stop here and write a second message. ]


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