r313487 recovered. Thanks and details.

Jeffrey Bouquet jbtakk at iherebuywisely.com
Sun Feb 12 13:55:44 UTC 2017

r313487 feb 9  i386 1200020
Without the details for the thank-you, thanks for the recovery assistance.
I found ABI in /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf which fix the :11 :12 issue at least for now, upgrading 
11-CURRENT to 12-CURRENT to fix seamonkey, and 2.46_4 working again maybe until
2.46_5 serious breakage, libevent2 probably relevant.  Until then...
Small concern many tweaks 2004-2016 were reversed to new-install by base.txz which was
needed to restore system functionality.   I've backup files... nothing out of the
ordinary I see though.
The main issue now is one, two, OR  14 hour ( or similar ) lockups of Xorg.
Repeatable:  [ I've yet to savecore when the stuff happens ]
links -g cannot be clicked upon, xterm can
Leaving Xorg, the interface ue0 cannot be bought up [ means no use restarting X without reboot]
Reboot fixes it    [  Xorg usage] [ ue0 axe0 usage ]
One in four times, it is a crash to reboot from Xorg.  [ approximate ] at least until the
next Xorg update happens by pkg in about three days or less. as it is in ports.
The only question unless valid hints at the above, is Xorg crashing ue0 or ue0 crashing
Xorg, or some common denominator in CURRENT that affects both like SCHED_ULE or
missing compat10x or a delete-old-libs not done recently?  Just in case some
more expert than I  [ who should have maybe stayed on 11-STABLE or even 11-RELEASE
so as not to write too many emails tying up persons' time... ] has more clues
than I as to the coding behind the .so internals and all.
Thanks for reading. 
PS nano yudit lookat gnuls xvt roxterm rsync gcp xclip feh xv gs text2pdf 
    terminator urxvt  scrot        all useful day-to-day here...

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