Interpreted language(s) in the base

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Mon Aug 16 11:25:04 UTC 2010

2010/8/16 Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at>:
> Doug Barton <dougb at> writes:
>> lua   too "flavor of the day," not enough track record of stability,
>>       not enough installed base/proven utility
> You're wrong.  Lua has been around for ages and is especially widely
> used as a game scripting engine.  It is not intended as a standalone
> language, but as an embeddable scripting engine.  We could easily create
> our own scripting language based on lua with FreeBSD-specific functions,
> and there would be no fear of interfering with third-party software,
> because it wouldn't be called lua.

Replying randomly to this post but also to phk's, dougb's and others'
points specifically about lua:

1. "churn" / version stability / "language of the day"

History of lua's recent releases is:
- 5.2 : TBD, new yet unfinished release, "will be done when it is done"
- 5.1 : 2006.
- 5.0 : 2003.
- 4.0 : 2000.
- 1.0 : 1993.


If anything, it's much slower than the "hip" languages.

2. Future compatibility / ports dependancies, etc.

If anything gets imported, lua or something else, I will loudly
support renaming it to something like "bsdscript", binaries and
libraries and all.

3. Size of language

Lua *is* 32 C files (and as many C headers) in a single directory,
totalling (with headers) a bit over 17,000 lines. The interpreter can
be compiled with "gcc -o bsdscript *.c". Libraries can be built

There are no other libraries or modules which "make" lua, Among the
mentioned above are equivalents of stdio, libm, libz, etc.

4. Embeddability

Here's the documentation:

Personally, I'm more interested in the opposite direction: writing
FreeBSD-specific lua libraries (which would wrap, as an obvious
example coming from me, libgeom) making it possible to script complex
system scripts in lua.

5. License

Released under MIT license:

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