ddb can't use USB keyboard?

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at c2i.net
Mon Apr 6 23:56:45 PDT 2009


The polling error is just there to inform you that USB polling is not 

usb2_do_poll(struct usb2_xfer **ppxfer, uint16_t max)
        static uint8_t once = 0;
        /* polling is currently not supported */
        if (!once) {
                once = 1;
                printf("usb2_do_poll: USB polling is "
                    "not supported!\n");

The biggest problem getting polling working is that USB is now multithreaded. 
But I don't rule out that we could have some special mechanism to get one of 
the system USB keyboards up in DDB.

Secondly, ukbd is Giant locked, and actually DDB calls into the keyboard 
routines without locking Giant, and that will not work with USB.


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