[mfi] command timeouts

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at lists.zabbadoz.net
Tue Feb 20 19:00:20 UTC 2007

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Scott Long wrote:


> Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Scott Long wrote:
>>> megacli is known to be fragile.  Don't Do That (tm).
>> alternative solution?
> Run the monitoring commands, don't run the commands that have given you 
> demonstrated problems.

Yes, from what I tried, I wrote down what works and what doesn't.
I'll send a summary hopefully next week when I am back at work.

>  Another path would be to contact LSI and negotiate an 
> NDA for their docs so that you can write your own tools.
> Several FreeBSD-using companies have done this already, contact me privately 
> if you want details.

It would be really good if LSI (and Dell) both would understand that
there are LOTS of FreeBSD "users" using their hardware and start to
support FreeBSD.

I wouldn't care if there were binary releases only if someone was
allowed to write, build and distribute them (even as not officially
supported by those companies but "sponsored by" or something like that).
Something built from source of course would be better but I'd be fine
with having something that just works.

I guess it would cost them less than close to nothing to make that happen
and it would be a really great thing.

>>>   As for the panic,
>>> It's probably a side effect of megacli putting the card and the driver 
>>> into a chaotic state.
>> I have also seen timeout messages after boot (while fsck was running)
>> even if megacli was not called during that uptime.
> But it eventually recovers?

yes after another round or so.

>  If you're interested in tracking this down,
> break into serial DDB when it happens and dump out the command structure
> from the address given.

I'll give it a try and let you know.

Bjoern A. Zeeb				bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT

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