boot banner project

Toxa postfix at
Thu Apr 28 17:53:32 PDT 2005

On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 09:41:05AM -0400, Mike Edenfield wrote:
> 1) It is far from a stupid idea if even one person honestly feels it 
> would be a benefit.  No need to be abusive about it.

Yes, I have to mention this was only my humble opinion.

> 2) If I were to choose to work on FreeBSD, I would be free to work on 
> whatever I felt was lacking.  That's how it works.  Especially given 
> that I have nowhere near enough skill in C to work on more complex 
> system-level issues.

Yes, you can do whatewer you want. But what about the result? I think 
several hundreds lines of lolypop-boot-related code will definitively
NOT  bring FreeBSD more cleaness and design simpleness. And that's everyone likes in
> 3) I was merely making suggestions as to what alternatives were 
> available.  Since almost every Linux distro does something similar to 
> this proposal, there is obviously SOME merit to it; the benefit may be 
> miniscule, or irrelevant to many people, but it still exists.

See my opinion above. It's a bad, BAD style, to add features till
then they're really necessary and desirable. IMHO.

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