Panic after "in_cksum_skip: out of data by 260"

EirikØverby ltning at
Wed Apr 13 03:57:08 PDT 2005

On 13-04-05 12:51, "Jeremie Le Hen" <jeremie at> wrote:

>> I have no idea about what could have caused this, but in this case, it
>> would be useful to have a crashdump and its associated kernel.debug file,
>> or at least a backtrace (but you must have enabled the break to debugger
>> on panic).  I guess you could also use addr2line(1) to determine which
>> function caused the panic from the instruction pointer, but it's likely
>> not enough to help understanding the problem.
> Since it's a NULL pointer derefence, mux@ told me the addr2line(1)
> result could be relevant, assuming you have a debug kernel
> compiled.  Could you give back the result of the following command
> please :
>   addr2line -e kernel.debug 0xc066ec33
> Once addr2line(1) gave you the file and the line, it is also important
> to tell us the revision of the file.
> If you don't have a debug kernel, and you *absolutely* change neither
> the sources from which you compiled it nor the kernel configuration file,
> you should be able to rebuild it.

In that case I'm pretty much screwed ... I ran a 'make update' yesterday,
but never got around to compiling a new kernel. Damn :( For next time - how
do default to building a debug kernel along with the normal one?

Thanks for your efforts though..

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