Elliot Finley lists at efinley.com
Mon Sep 13 19:54:20 PDT 2004

Try following the directions in the 20040806 entry of UPDATING to see if
that fixes it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ryan Sommers" <ryans at gamersimpact.com>
To: <current at freebsd.org>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 8:38 PM
Subject: 6.0-CURRENT and ACPI

I imagine this has been asked before, but I've been unable to find it via
searching so here goes...

After upgrading my few month old 5.2-CURRENT to 6.0-CURRENT tonight I'm
not getting ACPI anymore. On boot I'm getting the following message:

ACPI autoload failed - no such file or directory

I'm puzzled why this is showing up, since /boot/kernel/acpi.ko exists and
I'm able to load it after with kldload /boot/kernel/acpi.ko (it gives same
error when doing kldload acpi).

Thanks in advance.

Ryan "leadZERO" Sommers
Gamer's Impact President
ryans at gamersimpact.com
ICQ: 1019590

-= http://www.gamersimpact.com =-

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