Upgrading perl

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Mon Jun 14 19:18:59 GMT 2004

> Is there a way to switch over to 5.8 without breaking everything?

take two days off, but leave the dog at home to hit the "O" key
when some damed options menu comes up, and follow the instrs in

  AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.8

  lang/perl5.8 has been updated to 5.8.4. you should update everything
  depending on perl, that is :
    * first, upgrade your perl5.8 installation.
    * run "use.perl port", so that the system knows you have 5.8.4.
    * now, run some magic incantations to upgrade all ports depending on perl,
      that is run something like :
      portupgrade -f `(pkg_info -R perl-5.8.4 |tail +4; \
        find /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2 -type f -print0 \
        | xargs -0 pkg_which -fv | sed -e '/: ?/d' -e 's/.*: //')|sort -u`
      This is likely to fail for a few ports, you'll have to upgrade them

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