fixing out of order first fragment processing?

othermark atkin901 at
Thu Jul 22 14:34:56 PDT 2004


This is one of those obscure, yet well known issues in FreeBSD,
some network stacks, like Linux, send the udp/icmp fragment 
first (if multiple frags -- in reverse order), then the orginal
packet with the header.

In -current, we still cannot process this simple fragged icmp-echo
request from a Linux host.  For example, 'ping -c 1 -s 1500 <freebsd ip>'.

FreeBSD discards the frag(s) and when it sees the initial packet with
header waits for the frags.

So two questions:

1. is there a gnats pr?  I tried various searches with no success.
2. are there workarounds/patches?

atkin901 at nospam dot yahoo dot com

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