UMA questions

Andre Oppermann andre at
Wed Aug 11 08:12:26 PDT 2004

I have a couple of questions regarding UMA things which are not explained in
the relevant man pages (and UTSL is a little bit tough):

  1. UMA zones do not show up in the output of 'vmstat -m'.  Is there a way
     to get information on how much memory each UMA zone is using?
     Example: "sackhole", "tcptw", ...

  2. What does the flag UMA_ZONE_ZINIT do exactly?

  3. What does the flag UMA_ZONE_NOFREE prevent exactly?  Will it prevent any
     zone/slab of this type to be free'd ever again?  This way the zone can
     only grow and not shrink after transient peaks?


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