libthr, libpthread problems

Daniel Eischen eischen at
Thu Apr 29 12:54:04 PDT 2004

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Michael Bretterklieber wrote:

> Hi,
> currently I'm testing Mpd-4 on -current and It ran into deadlock, 
> therefore I changed the lib mapping via libmap.conf. When using libc_r 
> everything is ok, when using libpthread a deadlock occurs under some 
> circumstances, when using libthr, then:
> elvis:/home/mbretter/mpd/src# ./mpd
> Multi-link PPP for FreeBSD, by Archie L. Cobbs.
> Based on iij-ppp, by Toshiharu OHNO.
> The mutex recurse count cannot be less than zero

Sounds like a bug in the application (recurse count shouldn't
be less than zero).

Dan Eischen

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