boot0cfg bsdlabel under current

Doug White dwhite at
Wed Apr 28 10:02:20 PDT 2004

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Fritz Heinrichmeyer wrote:

> > Man pages :)  I think there is a handbook section on boot0cfg too,
> > although I'd have to check.
> OK, i have to be more concrete:
> boot0cfg -B ad0
> repairs master boot record in 4.x after booting by other means into the
> right freebsd partition (i.e. after setting active partition with fdisk
> or similar programs under DOS).  This is how i understand man pages that
> where not changed from 4.x. Of course i should test the return value and
> i should set option "packet" for larger disks and higher slices.


> Was  a line like
> bsdlabel -B ad0s3
> nonsense in 4.x (with FreeBSD in slice 3) ?

Well apart from bsdlabel being called disklabel in 4.x, this just installs
the BSD bootblocks in the BSD slice, and doesn't touch the MBR at all. You
still need those blocks installed if you want BSD to boot at all, but they
are installed by default by sysinstall.

> > You should ahve gotten anerror, but no, it is not supposed to work to keep
> > yourself from really confusing things.
> what do you think i confused? I maybe have overseen option "packet", but
> what else? As far as i understand this all no more works as a
> consequence of "geom" design when not using some kind of fixit
> environment :( .

Heh, not you, the kernel :)  There is a debug flag you can flip to disable
the write-protect of critical regions on mounted volumes.  Thats obviously
not a problem if you're using a CD- or net-based fixit environment where
you have all the tools and don't need to mount the local FS.

Doug White                    |  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
dwhite at          |

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