boot0cfg bsdlabel under current

Fritz Heinrichmeyer fritz.heinrichmeyer at
Tue Apr 27 11:34:53 PDT 2004

Am Dienstag, 27. April 2004 19:28 schrieb Doug White:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Fritz Heinrichmeyer wrote:
> > recently i had no success in using boot0cfg and bsdlabel to repair boot
> > process  under current. The only way that worked was booting with a
> > live-cd and using sysinstall from there. Is there some documentation
> > regarding freebsd-current for this?
> Man pages :)  I think there is a handbook section on boot0cfg too,
> although I'd have to check.

OK, i have to be more concrete:

boot0cfg -B ad0

repairs master boot record  in 4.x after booting by other means into the right 
freebsd partition (i.e. after setting active partition with fdisk  or similar 
programs under DOS).  This is how i understand man pages that where not 
changed from 4.x. Of course i should test the return value and i should set 
option "packet" for larger disks and higher slices.

Was  a line like

bsdlabel -B ad0s3

nonsense in 4.x (with FreeBSD in slice 3) ? 

> You should ahve gotten anerror, but no, it is not supposed to work to keep
> yourself from really confusing things.

what do you think i confused? I maybe have overseen option "packet", but what 
else? As far as i understand this all no more works  as a consequence of 
"geom" design when not using some kind of fixit environment :( .
Fritz Heinrichmeyer FernUniversitaet, LG ES, 58084 Hagen (Germany)
tel:+49 2331/987-1166 fax:987-355

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