[Evil project] / ibm thinkpad t41

Yann Berthier yb at sainte-barbe.org
Fri Apr 23 02:00:51 PDT 2004

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, jason kawaja wrote:

> actually, other users have just got this working.  however i notice yet
> another change at :

   I know that, this is what i find puzzling: either this is a problem
   specific to my laptop model, or specific to ... me ;)

>  http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/dev/if_ndis/if_ndis.c
> that was made after the rest of us got it working.  which one are you
> using? 1.55 or 1.56?

   rev 1.55. But no revision of if_ndis worked for me, never, ever. it
   always hung whenever i tried to load if_ndis.ko 

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