Kevin Oberman oberman at es.net
Thu Apr 22 09:34:52 PDT 2004

Well, things seem to have deteriorated slightly with Warner's recent PCI
changes (backing out much of the PCI power stuff).

1. I have both my hard disks and floppies. Thanks Warner and Søren!

2. USB still works and recovers after a resume!

3. Sound is again playing too fast after resume. ICH audio is reverting
   to its native speed. With the PCI power stuff in there, it worked just
   fine. (It was nice while it lasted.) I suspect this will return when
   Warner gets a few rough edges off of the PCI code.

4. After a resume, the shared PCI interrupt stops being delivered after
   a LONG time interval. I've had it fail in 10 minutes, but it is more
   likely to die after about an hour. It always dies in under 2 hours.

vmstat -i looks completely normal except that the count for irq 11 never
increases. All other interrupts and devices are fine. Is this a locking
problem? Should I put WITNESS back in my kernel? I can't find any sign
of any significant resource being exhausted. If you ignore the fact that
all devices on irq 11 are dead, the system continues to run just fine. X
is alive and the box seems completely normal. (Of course, USB, the
network cards,  and sound are completely gone.) System has neither SMP
or APIC in the kernel.

I'd love to track this down. I have no idea how common it is,
either. Since most people running CURRENT are not using suspend on their
laptops because of various problems except to test things, this might
not have shown up for most people. (Or, it might be unique to the IBM

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at es.net			Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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