device uscanner in GENERIC?

M. Warner Losh imp at
Wed Apr 21 07:26:36 PDT 2004

In message: <40852B78.3060304 at>
            Mattias Schlenker <mattias at> writes:
: Chris wrote:
: > I did not have to recompile my kernel for my USB scanner to work and I 
: > am using uscanner.
: > 5.1 5.2 both worked.
: This may be... But many -- especially many cheap -- scanners nowadays 
: work better with ugen/libusb or even just work with ugen/libusb. So 
: removing "device uscanner" from GENERIC would mean that someone like you 
: who *wants* to use uscanner has to load uscanner.ko, which is far less 
: work than recompiling the kernel.
: In 4.x it worked perfectly for all sides. Removing "device uscanner" 
: from GENERIC would result in a situation that is more close to the 
: situation with 4.x than the situation today is.

Hmmm, the cheap scanner I recently purchased worked great with xsane +
uscanner after a minor tweak to the uscanner list of supported


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