More odd behavior with the new PCI code (and, maybe, ata)

Kevin Oberman oberman at
Wed Apr 14 14:45:30 PDT 2004

> From: Jeffrey Racine <jracine at>
> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 17:05:13 -0400
> Sender: owner-freebsd-current at
> Second that. I just upgraded, and also hung on make installworld in
> single user mode. Moving to multi-user allowed me to complete.

If (when?) it happens again, try "<CTRL-C>ls /usr/src<ENTER>" and then
try again. That was enough to break it loose for me. Definitely better
than re-booting or trying to re-install world in multi-user.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at			Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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