nForce2 Soundstorm on 5.2.1 Release

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Sat Apr 10 21:42:51 PDT 2004

Casey wrote:

> Hello,

> Also, on a completely unrelated note, how do you get the mouse scroll 
> wheel to work?  I've got a Microsoft Optical mouse(PS/2) and while I 
> can use the wheel as a middle button, the scroll function doesn't seem 
> to help.
>    Thank you
>      Casey

Hi, Casey!

Check the FAQ  --- if you are on your FBSD system,
is should be in /usr/share/doc/en/books/faq, but it
might be easier to find from

I'm sure there's a FAQ called "I've got a mouse with
a fancy wheel" or something like that ....

Good luck!

Kevin Kinsey

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