"sleeping without a mutex" panic with FixitCD from today's SNAP

Cordula's Web cpghost at cordula.ws
Sat Apr 10 10:58:46 PDT 2004

> > Same here, while trying to upgrade from 5.2.1-RELEASE to yesterday's
> > and today's -CURRENT. It happens here:
> > 
> > # make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
> > # reboot   (in single user mode)
> > # mount -a 
> > # mergemaster -p
> > # make installworld
> > <panic: sleeping without a mutex
> > at line 144 in file /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_synch.c>
> > 
> > The panic is 100% reproducible.
> Providing a backtrace from the debugger here is very important.  Any
> chance that you could do that?

Sorry, it's too late now. That server is up and running, and
I don't have a spare machine to reproduce the panic for now.
Next time I'll post more details [crossing fingers it won't be
necessary...] ;)

> Scott


Cordula's Web. http://www.cordula.ws/

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