Spinlock called when not threaded

Anton Nikiforov anton at nikiforov.ru
Sun Apr 4 23:47:59 PDT 2004

Dear All!
Does somene know the solution against the following error:
Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 83 in file 
/usr/src/lib /libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno = 0)
Abort trap (core dumped)
This happend with OpenOffice and with Gaim ICQ/AIM client.
Everything is being build without any errors, but happend to dump a core 
with this error while starting.
In the libmap i have lines that should (as i think) to map libpthreads 
to libc_r.

libpthread.so.1         libc_r.so.5
libpthread.so           libc_r.so
libpthread.so.1         libc_r.so.5
libpthread.so           libc_r.so
libpthread.so.1         libc_r.so.5
libpthread.so           libc_r.so

System is -CURRENT svsuped yesturday.

Best regads,
Anton Nikiforov

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