FBSD 5.2.1-p4 and mysqld problems

Daryl Chance chancedj at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 2 08:50:39 PST 2004

Thanks for your response.  It just happened a few
minutes ago and i was able to capture all the output
into a text file.


I believe the WCHAN (from reading man ps) is "135924".
 is that correct?  I don't have an output of all the
processes running at the time, but i'll make sure to
get that the next time it happens.

I have WITNESS* options compiled into the kernel and
am going to reboot soon.  Do you think it would help
in debugging this to see if there are any deadlocks?


> one of the problems we are having is that there is 1
> specific table in the db (and it's only 1 database
> that this happens) is getting corrupted and forcing
> to have to repair it.  This one could just be a
> problem with mysql and it's just accelerated w/
> it on FreeBSD 5.x.  We haven't nailed any specific
> time that this happens nor any specific
> insert/select/update that could cause it.  Is there
> any way to verify (through FreeBSD userland commands
> or ports that you may know of) that this isn't a
drive problem?  Is 
> there something I can run on FBSD that will help me
to track this 
> problem down (perhaps some sort of GEOM logging)?

How about moving the table file out of the way and
recreating it?  If theres some sort of uncorrected
error showing up in the file, that should lock it

> the other problem we are having is that mysql will
> lock up.  1 of the mysqld processes freezes (uses up
> all the cpu) and it won't allow anymore queries
> against it until we shutdown.  Is there any way for
> to debug this and find out where it is hanging?  Is
> there a working alternative to truss?  Or should I
> just compile option PROCFS in and use it next time
> locks?

ps auxwwww | grep mysql and look at WCHAN. That will
say what is blocked in.

Doug White                    |  FreeBSD: The Power to
dwhite at gumbysoft.com          |  www.FreeBSD.org

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