Antivirus for (mailservers on) FreeBSD

Gianmarco Giovannelli gmarco at
Fri Jun 13 21:28:46 PDT 2003

At 09.00 13/06/2003 -0400, Bill Moran wrote:

>>>I really like Sophos.  McAffee also did a deal with Whistle/IBM
>>>at one point, for doing this on the InterJet.  I don't know if
>>>they ever completed the code, or what happened with that.
>>I am not looking for a simple antivirus but a very quick and fast, if 
>>possible,  product specified for mailservers.
>Sophos products do this.

mailmonitor ? otherwhise sweep is a general tool, not a one designed to be 
used directly by a mailserver.

>>Sophos should use amavis, which usually loose some msg (you have to 
>>re-queue from time to time) :-).
>I have never seen this.  Been running Amavis for over a year and never
>had a complaint of lost messages.

If you use amavis-perl and you check your /var/spool/mqueue (not 
/var/spool/mqamavis) you should find it plenty of msgs. Otherwhise I have 
to suppose that a lot of others persons like me have wrong configurations 
Btw I don't want to criticize amavis which is IMHO a very good alternative ...

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