I want to know the overall job outlook ...

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Tue Jun 10 09:34:42 PDT 2003

I'm running around looking for work ...

I'm not finding much, but I've only been at it a few days and I can't
spend a lot of time before I have to make some decisions.

My question is: How well are other folks doing in this job market?  Is
it so bad that I should take whatever I can get? (I've had one recruiter
tell me this ... I don't want to believe it, but perhaps I should)

I'm kind of in a situation where I have to make a decision faster than
I can learn enough to be informed when I do so.  Basically, any anecdotes
or opinions are welcome.  Anything is better than rolling dice to see
what I should do.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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