Ongoing Bluetooth work; Linux-like APIs?

Bruce M Simpson bms at
Tue Jan 20 09:58:40 PST 2009

Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> ...
>> I wonder though if anyone has considered implementing the Linux APIs ?
>> ...
> That would be good.  Please ping about it if you don't see it within
> a few weeks.

If folk have cycles to look at that, and are interested in following up, 
that is excellent news...

Meanwhile, a good set of pointers would be:

Broadly there's a surface of interfaces to underlying system services 
(e.g. RFCOMM sockets, OBEX libraries, HCI sockets and/or layer access, 
and SDP in particular) which needs to be considered. The APIs above 
themselves have limitations with things like working with multiple 
interfaces, etc.

I had a very brief crack at trying to get BlueCove to work with the 
FreeBSD stack, but I couldn't justify the time involved to get it up and 
running, given we'd already started building a solution on Linux.

The differences between the Linux and FreeBSD stacks are small but 
subtle enough to render generic code incompatible... sigh.


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