NanoPi R1 Sample image test

Furkan Salman furkan at
Tue Aug 18 03:01:24 UTC 2020


I received my NanoPi R1 and NanoPi R2s of which R2s doesn't work I guess so was only able to test R1 images from Mr. Ganbold links which are quite old.

Here is the boot log which is getting stuck at mountpoint as it fails to mount opnsense partition with rw access.

U-Boot SPL 2019.01 (Mar 19 2019 - 16:56:16 +0800)                                                            
DRAM: 1024 MiB                                                                                               
Trying to boot from MMC1                                                                                     
U-Boot 2019.01 (Mar 19 2019 - 16:56:16 +0800) Allwinner Technology                                           
CPU:   Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680)                                                                             
Model: FriendlyArm NanoPi M1 Plus                                                                            
DRAM:  1 GiB                                                                                                 
MMC:   SUNXI SD/MMC: 0, SUNXI SD/MMC: 1                                                                      
Loading Environment from FAT... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment                             
In:    serial                                                                                                
Out:   serial                                                                                                
Err:   serial                                                                                                
Net:   No ethernet found.                                                                                    
starting USB...                                                                                              
USB0:   USB EHCI 1.00                                                                                        
USB1:   USB OHCI 1.0                                                                                         
USB2:   USB EHCI 1.00                                                                                        
USB3:   USB OHCI 1.0                                                                                         
USB4:   USB EHCI 1.00                                                                                        
USB5:   USB OHCI 1.0                                                                                         
scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found                                                          
scanning bus 2 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found                                                          
scanning bus 4 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found                                                          
       scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found                                         
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                                             
switch to partitions #0, OK                                                                                  
mmc0(part 0) is current device                                                                               
Scanning mmc 0:1...                                                                                          
26950 bytes read in 2 ms (12.9 MiB/s)                                                                        
Found EFI removable media binary efi/boot/bootarm.efi                                                        
Scanning disks on usb...                                                                                     
Disk usb0 not ready                                                                                          
Disk usb1 not ready                                                                                          
Disk usb2 not ready                                                                                          
Disk usb3 not ready                                                                                          
Scanning disks on mmc...                                                                                     
-  ______               ____   _____ _____  
  |  ____|             |  _ \ / ____|  __ \ 
  | |___ _ __ ___  ___ | |_) | (___ | |  | |
  |  ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \|  _ < \___ \| |  | |
  | |   | | |  __/  __/| |_) |____) | |__| |
  | |   | | |    |    ||     |      |      |
  |_|   |_|  \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/ 
                                                 ```                        `
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 �║                                        �║   +o   .--`         /y:`      +.
 �║ 1. Boot Multi user [Enter]             �║    yo`:.            :o      `+-
 �║ 2. Boot Single user                    �║     y/               -/`   -o/
 �║ 3. Escape to loader prompt             �║    .-                  ::/sy+:.
 �║ 4. Reboot                              �║    /                     `--  /
 �║                                        �║   `:                          :`
 ��║Options:                               �║   `:                          :`
 �║ 5. Kernel: default/kernel (1 of 1)     �║    /                          /
 �║ 6. Boot Options                        �║    .-                        -.
 �║                                        �║     --                      -.
 �║                                        �║      `:`                  `:`
 �║                                        �║        .--             `--.
 ��═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═��═�═�═�═�═�═�═��═��═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═�═��                               ═
   Autoboot in 3 seconds, hit [Enter] to boot or any other key to stop                                       
   Autoboot in 2 seconds, hit [Enter] to boot or any other key to stop                                       
Loading kernel...                                                                                            
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x853bb0 data=0xb5cc8+0x25d778 syms=[0x4+0xa8e50+0x4+0x10cbbc]                      
Loading configured modules...                                                                                
/boot/kernel/if_lagg.ko text=0x3f20 text=0x7a00 data=0x1088+0xf7c syms=[0x4+0x23e0+0x4+0x1535]               
/boot/kernel/ng_pppoe.ko text=0x1b20 text=0x3f20 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xf70+0x4+0x8b9]                      
loading required module 'netgraph'                                                                           
/boot/kernel/netgraph.ko text=0x3f54 text=0x8f40 data=0x1088+0xfec syms=[0x4+0x2550+0x4+0x1de8]              
/boot/kernel/ng_ppp.ko text=0x1df0 text=0x4350 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xff0+0x4+0xa59]                        
/boot/kernel/pflog.ko text=0xb33 text=0x820 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x9e0+0x4+0x748]                           
loading required module 'pf'                                                                                 
/boot/kernel/pf.ko text=0x8108 text=0x30c30 data=0x3088+0x1074 syms=[0x4+0x5bf0+0x4+0x3608]                  
/boot/kernel/ng_tcpmss.ko text=0xa38 text=0x6a0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x690+0x4+0x48c]                       
/boot/kernel/ng_bpf.ko text=0x1580 text=0x1320 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x9c0+0x4+0x6c8]                        
/boot/kernel/ng_eiface.ko text=0x13e0 text=0x1200 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xf10+0x4+0x964]                     
/boot/kernel/ng_ksocket.ko text=0x1974 text=0x1d10 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x1020+0x4+0x9c7]                   
/boot/kernel/if_gif.ko text=0x1e64 text=0x3d60 data=0x1088+0xfa4 syms=[0x4+0x1b70+0x4+0xff9]                 
/boot/kernel/if_enc.ko text=0xf64 text=0x9b0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xba0+0x4+0xbca]                          
/boot/kernel/ng_tty.ko text=0xe1d text=0xf50 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xb60+0x4+0x58c]                          
/boot/kernel/ng_tee.ko text=0xa98 text=0x7c0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x760+0x4+0x46c]                          
/boot/kernel/ng_car.ko text=0xe60 text=0x1110 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x970+0x4+0x59d]                         
/boot/kernel/ng_pred1.ko text=0xf64 text=0xe40 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x8f0+0x4+0x5e1]                        
/boot/kernel/ng_rfc1490.ko text=0xa4c text=0xbf0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x810+0x4+0x486]                      
/boot/kernel/ng_socket.ko text=0x178f text=0x1730 data=0x1088+0xf90 syms=[0x4+0x12c0+0x4+0xe42]              
/boot/kernel/ng_pptpgre.ko text=0x1c98 text=0x2380 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xdc0+0x4+0x8d0]                    
/boot/kernel/ng_deflate.ko text=0x1008 text=0xe90 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xb10+0x4+0x71f]                     
/boot/kernel/ng_iface.ko text=0x177c text=0x10a0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xfa0+0x4+0xae6]                      
/boot/entropy size=0x1000                                                                                    
/boot/kernel/ng_ether.ko text=0x1554 text=0x1350 data=0x1088+0xf7c syms=[0x4+0xeb0+0x4+0x94b]                
/boot/kernel/ng_mppc.ko text=0xf70 text=0x2cc0 data=0x1088+0xf7c syms=[0x4+0xc10+0x4+0x8c1]                  
loading required module 'rc4'                                                                                
/boot/kernel/rc4.ko text=0x3d7 text=0xf8 data=0x1068 syms=[0x4+0x2a0+0x4+0x229]                              
/boot/kernel/ng_pipe.ko text=0x14d4 text=0x1e40 data=0x1088+0xf90 syms=[0x4+0xc30+0x4+0x766]                 
/boot/kernel/ng_one2many.ko text=0xe4c text=0xbc0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x950+0x4+0x608]                     
/boot/kernel/ng_echo.ko text=0x57d text=0x160 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x430+0x4+0x302]                         
/boot/kernel/if_tap.ko text=0x1d38 text=0x2490 data=0x1088+0xfac syms=[0x4+0x15c0+0x4+0xb08]                 
/boot/kernel/ng_lmi.ko text=0x111f text=0x16e0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x900+0x4+0x48f]                        
/boot/kernel/ng_l2tp.ko text=0x21b8 text=0x2990 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xde0+0x4+0x8ce]                       
/boot/kernel/ng_vlan.ko text=0xe90 text=0xd20 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x8b0+0x4+0x55b]                         
/boot/kernel/if_ure.ko text=0x1a20 text=0x50f0 data=0x1088+0xf80 syms=[0x4+0x13d0+0x4+0xd26]                 
/boot/kernel/ng_frame_relay.ko text=0x857 text=0x8d0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x740+0x4+0x3f2]                  
/boot/kernel/ng_hole.ko text=0x850 text=0x350 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x5d0+0x4+0x3db]                         
/boot/kernel/if_bridge.ko text=0x2cc0 text=0x6580 data=0x1088+0xf7c syms=[0x4+0x2220+0x4+0x16a5]             
loading required module 'bridgestp'                                                                          
/boot/kernel/bridgestp.ko text=0x1138 text=0x4550 data=0x1088+0xf90 syms=[0x4+0xf20+0x4+0x870]               
/boot/kernel/ng_async.ko text=0x10d0 text=0xe80 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x9d0+0x4+0x64c]                       
/boot/kernel/pfsync.ko text=0x2cb4 text=0x7b70 data=0x1088+0xf7c syms=[0x4+0x1cb0+0x4+0x12b3]                
/boot/kernel/carp.ko text=0x2dac text=0x6110 data=0x1088+0xfa4 syms=[0x4+0x1e40+0x4+0x1333]                  
/boot/kernel/ng_bridge.ko text=0x15dc text=0x1550 data=0x1088+0xf98 syms=[0x4+0xb80+0x4+0x7f5]               
/boot/kernel/if_tun.ko text=0x235e text=0x2960 data=0x1088+0xf9c syms=[0x4+0x1aa0+0x4+0xdf1]                 
/boot/kernel/ng_UI.ko text=0x78f text=0x4a0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x690+0x4+0x396]                           
/boot/kernel/ng_cisco.ko text=0xee4 text=0xfe0 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0xa30+0x4+0x5ad]                        
/boot/kernel/if_gre.ko text=0x1e4c text=0x3790 data=0x1088+0xf9c syms=[0x4+0x19c0+0x4+0xf24]                 
/boot/kernel/ng_vjc.ko text=0x1154 text=0x1910 data=0x1088 syms=[0x4+0x9d0+0x4+0x61b]                        
Using DTB provided by EFI at 0x47ef6000.                                                                     
Loading DTB overlays: 'sun8i-h3-sid.dtbo,sun8i-h3-ths.dtbo'                                                  
/boot/dtb/overlays/sun8i-h3-sid.dtbo size=0x210                                                              
/boot/dtb/overlays/sun8i-h3-ths.dtbo size=0x3ba                                                              
Kernel entry at 0x71000180...                                                                                
Kernel args: (null)                                                                                          
applying DTB overlay '/boot/dtb/overlays/sun8i-h3-sid.dtbo'                                                  
applying DTB overlay '/boot/dtb/overlays/sun8i-h3-ths.dtbo'                                                  
EHCI failed to shut down host controller.                                                                    
EHCI failed to shut down host controller.                                                                    
EHCI failed to shut down host controller.                                                                    
KDB: debugger backends: ddb                                                                                  
KDB: current backend: ddb                                                                                    
Copyright (c) 1992-2019 The FreeBSD Project.                                                                 
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994                                     
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.                                    
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.                                                 
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #37 r345944M: Tue Apr 23 18:10:40 +08 2019                                              
    tsgan at beastie:/usr/obj/usr/src/arm.armv7/sys/GENERIC arm                                                 
FreeBSD clang version 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final 356365) (based on LLVM 8.0.0)                            
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.                                                 
VT: init without driver.                                                                                     
module_register: cannot register ofwbus/pcib from kernel; already loaded from kernel                         
Module ofwbus/pcib failed to register: 17                                                                    
module_register: cannot register simplebus/pcib from kernel; already loaded from kernel                      
Module simplebus/pcib failed to register: 17                                                                 
CPU: ARM Cortex-A7 r0p5 (ECO: 0x00000000)                                                                    
CPU Features:                                                                                                
  Multiprocessing, Thumb2, Security, Virtualization, Generic Timer, VMSAv7,                                  
  PXN, LPAE, Coherent Walk                                                                                   
Optional instructions:                                                                                       
  SDIV/UDIV, UMULL, SMULL, SIMD(ext)                                                                         
LoUU:2 LoC:3 LoUIS:2                                                                                         
Cache level 1:                                                                                               
 32KB/64B 4-way data cache WB Read-Alloc Write-Alloc                                                         
 32KB/32B 2-way instruction cache Read-Alloc                                                                 
Cache level 2:                                                                                               
 512KB/64B 8-way unified cache WB Read-Alloc Write-Alloc                                                     
real memory  = 1039556608 (991 MB)                                                                           
avail memory = 997736448 (951 MB)                                                                            
No PSCI/SMCCC call function found                                                                            
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs                                                          
random: unblocking device.                                                                                   
random: entropy device external interface                                                                    
kbd0 at kbdmux0                                                                                              
ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree>                                                                         
aw_ccu0: <Allwinner Clock Control Unit> on ofwbus0                                                           
clk_fixed0: <Fixed clock> on aw_ccu0                                                                         
clk_fixed1: <Fixed clock> on aw_ccu0                                                                         
clk_fixed2: <Fixed clock> on aw_ccu0                                                                         
simplebus0: <Flattened device tree simple bus> on ofwbus0                                                    
ccu_h3ng0: <Allwinner H3/H5 Clock Control Unit NG> mem 0x1c20000-0x1c203ff on simplebus0                     
regfix0: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0                                                                        
regfix1: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0                                                                        
regfix2: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0                                                                        
regfix3: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0                                                                        
ccu_sun8i_r0: <Allwinner SUN8I_R Clock Control Unit NG> mem 0x1f01400-0x1f014ff on simplebus0                
aw_sid0: <Allwinner Secure ID Controller> mem 0x1c14000-0x1c143ff on simplebus0                              
gic0: <ARM Generic Interrupt Controller> mem 0x1c81000-0x1c81fff,0x1c82000-0x1c83fff,0x1c84000-0x1c85fff,0x10
gic0: pn 0x1, arch 0x2, rev 0x1, implementer 0x43b irqs 160                                                  
gpio0: <Allwinner GPIO/Pinmux controller> mem 0x1c20800-0x1c20bff irq 19,20 on simplebus0                    
gpiobus0: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio0                                                                            
gpio1: <Allwinner GPIO/Pinmux controller> mem 0x1f02c00-0x1f02fff irq 44 on simplebus0                       
gpiobus1: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio1                                                                            
rtc0: <Allwinner RTC> mem 0x1f00000-0x1f00053 irq 40,41 on simplebus0                                        
rtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s                                                
generic_timer0: <ARMv7 Generic Timer> irq 0,1,2,3 on ofwbus0                                                 
Timecounter "ARM MPCore Timecounter" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000                                      
Event timer "ARM MPCore Eventtimer" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000                                       
aw_syscon0: <Allwinner syscon> mem 0x1c00000-0x1c00fff on simplebus0                                         
awusbphy0: <Allwinner USB PHY> mem 0x1c19400-0x1c1942b,0x1c1a800-0x1c1a803,0x1c1b800-0x1c1b803,0x1c1c800-0x10
aw_thermal0: <Allwinner Thermal Sensor Controller> mem 0x1c25000-0x1c250ff irq 4 on simplebus0               
a31dmac0: <Allwinner DMA controller> mem 0x1c02000-0x1c02fff irq 5 on simplebus0                             
aw_mmc0: <Allwinner Integrated MMC/SD controller> mem 0x1c0f000-0x1c0ffff irq 7 on simplebus0                
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on aw_mmc0                                                                                
aw_mmc1: <Allwinner Integrated MMC/SD controller> mem 0x1c10000-0x1c10fff irq 8 on simplebus0                
mmc1: <MMC/SD bus> on aw_mmc1                                                                                
aw_mmc2: <Allwinner Integrated MMC/SD controller> mem 0x1c11000-0x1c11fff irq 9 on simplebus0                
mmc2: <MMC/SD bus> on aw_mmc2                                                                                
ehci0: <Allwinner Integrated USB 2.0 controller> mem 0x1c1b000-0x1c1b0ff irq 13 on simplebus0                
usbus0: EHCI version 1.0                                                                                     
usbus0 on ehci0                                                                                              
ohci0: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c1b400-0x1c1b4ff irq 14 on simplebus0                                
usbus1 on ohci0                                                                                              
ehci1: <Allwinner Integrated USB 2.0 controller> mem 0x1c1c000-0x1c1c0ff irq 15 on simplebus0                
usbus2: EHCI version 1.0                                                                                     
usbus2 on ehci1                                                                                              
ohci1: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c1c400-0x1c1c4ff irq 16 on simplebus0                                
usbus3 on ohci1                                                                                              
ehci2: <Allwinner Integrated USB 2.0 controller> mem 0x1c1d000-0x1c1d0ff irq 17 on simplebus0                
usbus4: EHCI version 1.0                                                                                     
usbus4 on ehci2                                                                                              
ohci2: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c1d400-0x1c1d4ff irq 18 on simplebus0                                
usbus5 on ohci2                                                                                              
gpioc0: <GPIO controller> on gpio0                                                                           
awg0: <Allwinner Gigabit Ethernet> mem 0x1c30000-0x1c3ffff irq 23 on simplebus0                              
miibus0: <MII bus> on awg0                                                                                   
rgephy0: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211 1000BASE-T media interface> PHY 0 on miibus0                                   
rgephy0:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 10baseT-FDX-flow, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 100baseTX-FDX-flow, 1000baw
rgephy1: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211 1000BASE-T media interface> PHY 7 on miibus0                                   
rgephy1:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 10baseT-FDX-flow, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 100baseTX-FDX-flow, 1000baw
awg0: Ethernet address: 02:02:53:04:22:5c                                                                    
aw_wdog0: <Allwinner A31 Watchdog> mem 0x1c20ca0-0x1c20cbf irq 26 on simplebus0                              
uart0: console (115384,n,8,1)mem 0x1c28000-0x1c283ff irq 31 on simplebus0                                    
uart1: <16750 or compatible> mem 0x1c28c00-0x1c28fff irq 34 on simplebus0                                    
aw_ir0: <Allwinner CIR controller> mem 0x1f02000-0x1f023ff irq 42 on simplebus0                              
aw_ir0: hwreset_get_by_ofw_idx = 0                                                                           
gpioc1: <GPIO controller> on gpio1                                                                           
cpulist0: <Open Firmware CPU Group> on ofwbus0                                                               
cpu0: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0                                                                        
cpu1: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0                                                                        
cpu2: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0                                                                        
cpu3: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0                                                                        
gpioled0: <GPIO LEDs> on ofwbus0                                                                             
cryptosoft0: <software crypto>                                                                               
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec                                                                           
usbus0: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0                                                                          
usbus1: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0                                                                           
usbus2: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0                                                                          
usbus3: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0                                                                           
usbus4: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0                                                                          
ugen1.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus1                                                                   
uhub0: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus1                                   
ugen2.1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB> at usbus2                                                                 
uhub1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus2                                 
ugen3.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus3                                                                   
uhub2: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus3                                   
ugen4.1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB> at usbus4                                                                 
uhub3: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus4                                 
ugen0.1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB> at usbus0                                                                 
uhub4: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0                                 
usbus5: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0                                                                           
ugen5.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus5                                                                   
uhub5: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus5                                   
AW_MMC_INT_RESP_ERR AW_MMC_INT_RESP_CRC_ERR                                                                  
mmc0: CMD3 failed, RESULT: 1                                                                                 
mmc0: Error setting RCA 1                                                                                    
mmc1: No compatible cards found on bus                                                                       
aw_mmc1: Spurious interrupt - no active request, rint: 0x00000004                                            
uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered                                                                 
uhub2: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered                                                                 
mmcsd0: 8GB <MMCHC 8GTF4R 0.6 SN 979C5F19 MFG 02/2020 by 21 0x0000> at mmc2 52.0MHz/8bit/32768-block         
mmcsd0boot0: 4MB partion 1 at mmcsd0                                                                         
mmcsd0boot1: 4MB partion 2 at mmcsd0                                                                         
mmcsd0rpmb: 524kB partion 3 at mmcsd0                                                                        
Release APs                                                                                                  
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.                                                 
uhub5: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered                                                                 
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ufs/OPNsense [rw]...                                                      
Root mount waiting for: usbus4 usbus2 usbus0                                                                 
uhub3: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered                                                                 
uhub1: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered                                                                 
uhub4: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered                                                                 
ugen0.2: <Realtek USB 10/100 LAN> at usbus0                                                                  
ure0 on uhub4                                                                                                
ure0: <Realtek USB 10/100 LAN, class 0/0, rev 2.10/20.00, addr 2> on usbus0                                  
mountroot: waiting for device /dev/ufs/OPNsense...                                                           
ure0: MAC assigned randomly                                                                                  
miibus1: <MII bus> on ure0                                                                                   
rlphy0: <RTL8201E 10/100 media interface> PHY 0 on miibus1                                                   
rlphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto                                                
ue0: <USB Ethernet> on ure0                                                                                  
ue0: Ethernet address: aa:45:b5:64:b1:70                                                                     
Mounting from ufs:/dev/ufs/OPNsense failed with error 19.                                                    
Loader variables:                                                                                            
Manual root filesystem specification:                                                                        
  <fstype>:<device> [options]                                                                                
      Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>                                                               
      and with the specified (optional) option list.                                                         
    eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a                                                                                      
        cd9660:/dev/cd0 ro                                                                                   
          (which is equivalent to: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0 /)                                         
  ?               List valid disk boot devices                                                               
  .               Yield 1 second (for background tasks)                                                      
  <empty line>    Abort manual input                                                                         
mountroot> ls                                                                                                
Invalid file system specification.                                                                           

>From the above logs I see that both the ethernet cards were detected.

I then tried the FreeBSD image from the same link and it have the same issue.


Is anyone else working on armv7 NanoPi R1?

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