Utilite support

Waschbüsch Martin martin at waschbuesch.de
Fri Nov 21 13:04:30 UTC 2014

> Am 20.11.2014 um 18:19 schrieb Ian Lepore <ian at FreeBSD.org>:
> There is some chance that "it might just work."  Actually a better
> chance now than when I originally wrote that. :)  Try using crochet for
> wandboard and in the wandboard kernel config file change FDT_DTS_FILE to
> "imx6q-cm-fx6.dts".  There's a good chance you'll end up with a bootable
> image on an sdcard.
> You will need a serial console for debugging, we don't support a video
> console yet on imx6 systems.  The Compulab FitPc2 x86 systems need a
> special serial debugging cable that you have to buy separately.  I hope
> that's not also the case with Utilite.
> -- Ian

Hello Ian,

I tried to follow your suggestion, but realized that there might be
a significant difference between Wandboard and Utilite: Utilite does
not read u-boot from disk. Instead, it holds u-boot as 'firmware' in
a flash module.
Don't know why I had not realized this earlier, but anyway, I guess
if I had compiled it before, I would have noticed. So far I had played
around with pre-built Wandboard images...
What this means is that the current crochet scripts will fail because
the u-boot compilation for cm-fx6 will not output a u-boot.imx file and
is probably not needed anyway.
What I will try next is make a copy of crochet's boards/Wandboard to
boards/Utilite and try to adapt the setup.sh script.
Are there requirements that u-boot must meet in order to boot ubldr? If
so, I'll have to look into rebuilding u-boot plus flashing that.

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