RFC: Make clang the default compiler on ARM

Andrew Turner andrew at fubar.geek.nz
Mon Mar 18 10:40:02 UTC 2013

I would like to make clang the default compiler on ARM using the patch
at [1]. This only affects little-endian ARM as there is no support for
big-endian ARM in clang.

This will help me with my work to update the FreeBSD ARM ABI as I am
planning on moving to a hard-float ABI on armv6 as all SoCs we
are likely to support have at least a VFPv3-D16 floating point
coprocessor. The version of gcc we have in our tree does not support
the hard float ABI with VFP and support was added after gcc moved to
the GPLv3 so we are usable to make use of it.

The only issue I know about is an incompatibility between gcc and clang
with ARM EABI however this has been fixed upstream and I plan on
bringing it into our tree before making clang the default. If anyone
knows of any other issues please let me know now so I can look into

If nobody brings up any issues or has any objections to me doing this
I will make clang the default earlier than 25 March (UTC+0).


[1] http://people.freebsd.org/~andrew/clang/arm_clang_default.diff

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