[PATCH] Adding shared code support for ia32 and amd64 -- x86 sub-branch

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Tue Feb 16 21:07:41 UTC 2010

In message: <3bbf2fe11002151610l41526f55r5e60b5e46ce42b64 at mail.gmail.com>
            Attilio Rao <attilio at FreeBSD.org> writes:
: There are few things to discuss. One, that I had not necessity to dig
: about still, is about how to organize headers (include/). Maybe some
: replication ala pc98 may be good.

Most of the pc98 replication these days is in the form of "#include
<i386/foo.h>" and we install i386/include into /usr/include/i386 as
well as pc98/include into /usr/include/machine.

I'm working in a similar vein.  For a while, one has had to specify
TARGET_BIG_ENDIAN in order to build big endian MIPS or ARM binaries.
This is lame.  I've eliminated it and have made it possible to build
mipsel, mipseb, arm or armeb binaries by setting TARGET_ARCH to one of
these, while still sharing all the mips code in one directory and all
the arm code in another.


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