FreeBSD Real Quick News Letter

Chris Coleman chrisc at
Wed Feb 9 08:31:05 PST 2000

		 FreeBSD Real-Quick(TM) NewsLetter.
		    Things Happening in FreeBSD.

Release Information:
  FreeBSD 3.4 is available from
  FreeBSD 4.0 is scheduled to be released about the end of the month.

Buddying up to FreeBSD, Part Five
February 08, 2000

This is a nice article on the FreeBSD ports 
collection on a linux site, aimed at linux users. 



The story on FreeBSD 
February 04, 2000

"FreeBSD's effectiveness depends on who you are and what you need.  Whether 
you're a Linux hobbyist, a system administrator responsible for a  building
chock full of heterogeneous systems, a Web administrator, an  application 
developer focused on Linux customers, an open source advocate,  or even a
department manager looking to stay on the peak of cost  efficiency,  this 
article explains what FreeBSD is and how it might contribute to your  
specific situation." -- LinuxWorld 

VTun 2.0 package for FreeBSD and OpenBSD 
February 03, 2000

Released VTun 2.0 package for FreeBSD and OpenBSD.  VTun is the easiest way 
to create Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks  with traffic shaping,
compression, and encryption. It is a user space  implementation and doesn't 
need modification of any kernel parts.  VTun supports IP, PPP, SLIP,
Ethernet and other tunnel types. VTun is  easily and highly configurable, 
it can be used for various network tasks  like VPN, Mobil IP, Shaped Internet 
access, IP address saving, etc. 


Blueprints: Software RAID for BSD: Vinum
by Greg Lehey 

Many BSD systems have storage needs which current generation disks can't
fulfill by themselves: they may want more storage, more performance or more
reliability than an individual disk can provide... Read More

 Contributing to BSD. 
 I started Daemon News almost two years ago because I wasn't a programmer 
and I still wanted to contribute to BSD. I did make a good effort at 
becoming a programmer so I could contribute back to BSD. I even wrote 
a small PERL utility and tried to get it committed. No Luck. 

 After much struggling, I realized that I just wasn't a programmer. When 
I started DN, the huge response I got told me that there are a lot of 
non-programmer types out there that would like to contribute to BSD also. 
At DN, we have a lot of not-so-techy type volunteer positions available.

FreeBSD for the SVR4/Linux Administrator 
February 02, 2000

Michael Lucas has written another FreeBSD article for Sys Admin, this one  
about some basics of administration, finding FreeBSD resources and
getting  help from the community.  Although the author has ostensibly written 
it for SVR4 or Linux admins, it  only  mentions a few minor differences between
those and BSD. Overall, it's a  great  introductory article for _any_ 
sysadmin new to FreeBSD. Michael's articles  keep  getting better and better. 


Daemon News Mall

We are trying to position ourselves as the main reseller for all BSD
related items.  We are off to a good start, and I think we have the basics

Now we need your help.  We need to contact EVERYONE selling BSD
merchandise and talk them into listing it with us.  If everyone on this
list would fire up a couple of e-mail to their favorite vendors and tell
them that DN would like to resell their products, it would be great. 


	-Chris Coleman <chrisc at>
  	 Daemon News Editor in Chief <>

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