COMMERCIAL: $4.99 FreeBSD(r) 3.0 on CD-ROM

Jonathan M. Bresler jmb at FreeBSD.ORG
Sun Dec 6 14:33:35 PST 1998

   I really don't mind simple commercials like this on the list, but
   I'd point out that buying from these guys doesn't generate
   revenue to Walnut Creek, and I suspect none to the FreeBSD
   organization either.

   I figure my subscription money is well worthwhile to support that
   worthy bunch.

i agree with you.  Nonetheless FreeBSD is happy to have CheapBytes
produing CD as well as Walnut Creek.  The important point is to get
FreeBSD into as many hands as possible.  Those who buy from CheapBytes
would not spend the money needed to buy from Walnut Creek.  So we feel
that the result is to increase the exposure that FreeBSD receives.


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