case for dual-processor Opteron machines

David O'Brien obrien at
Tue Oct 21 10:28:25 PDT 2003

I've been asked a few times what case one can use in building a dual-proc
Opteron workstation.  So I thought I'd answer it publically for all.

AMD uses the InWin Q500 with the internal 3"
drive cage removed.  This case has tons of room and even with the 3"
drive cage removed there are still 5 drive bays left.  This case is
US$69.32 from

If you want a shorter case, I have also installed both Tyan K8W (s2885)
and MSI-9131 mobos into the Antec SX835II Performance Series II mid-Tower
Again with the internal 3" drive cage removed.  

-- David  (obrien at

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