[patch] cia BWX oddity in RELENG4

John Baldwin jhb at FreeBSD.org
Fri Sep 30 07:06:06 PDT 2005

On Friday 30 September 2005 08:43 am, Paul V. Bolotoff wrote:
> Good time of day,
> There is a strange issue in alpha/pci/cia.c, which prevents the kernel from
> utilising the BWX features of the Alcor 2 chipset (21172). In fact, the
> code makes no difference between Alcor 2 and Alcor (21171), which has no
> BWX support at all. The patch attached fixes this behaviour.
> Before and after the patch. As you can see, BWX has been enabled
> successfully. The system (AlphaServer 800) is up and running as usual.
> # sysctl -a | grep hw.chipset
> hw.chipset.type: cia
> hw.chipset.bwx: 0
> hw.chipset.ports: 573378134016
> hw.chipset.memory: 549755813888
> hw.chipset.dense: 575525617664
> hw.chipset.hae_mask: 3758096384
> hw.chipset.type: alcor2
> hw.chipset.bwx: 1
> hw.chipset.ports: 588410519552
> hw.chipset.memory: 584115552256
> hw.chipset.dense: 575525617664
> hw.chipset.hae_mask: 0
> By the way, I see this issue has been fixed in RELENG5 some time ago,
> though in somewhat different way. Why not in RELENG4?

Probably because development on RELENG_4 has basically stopped.  4.11 was the 
last release on 4.x.

John Baldwin <jhb at FreeBSD.org>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =  http://www.FreeBSD.org

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