[patch] cia BWX oddity in RELENG4

Paul V. Bolotoff walter at alasir.com
Fri Sep 30 05:43:08 PDT 2005

Good time of day,

There is a strange issue in alpha/pci/cia.c, which prevents the kernel from utilising the BWX features of the Alcor 2 chipset (21172). In fact, the code makes no difference between Alcor 2 and Alcor (21171), which has no BWX support at all. The patch attached fixes this behaviour.

Before and after the patch. As you can see, BWX has been enabled successfully. The system (AlphaServer 800) is up and running as usual.

# sysctl -a | grep hw.chipset

hw.chipset.type: cia
hw.chipset.bwx: 0
hw.chipset.ports: 573378134016
hw.chipset.memory: 549755813888
hw.chipset.dense: 575525617664
hw.chipset.hae_mask: 3758096384

hw.chipset.type: alcor2
hw.chipset.bwx: 1
hw.chipset.ports: 588410519552
hw.chipset.memory: 584115552256
hw.chipset.dense: 575525617664
hw.chipset.hae_mask: 0

By the way, I see this issue has been fixed in RELENG5 some time ago, though in somewhat different way. Why not in RELENG4?


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