5.0-RELEASE disklabel install problems, drive not seen

Dan Williams dan at bigw.org
Sun Apr 20 22:51:25 PDT 2003


Update to previous post.  I booted to SRM console and did a 
"isp1020_edit -sd" to reset the NVRAM of the chip, and now it is valid. 
  After doing this, I stuck in both the 2.1GB and the Atlas 9GB SBB 
carriers, and tried to boot both the 5.0-RELEASE install CD and the 4.7 
mini ISO.

1)  4.7:  Unlike previously, the 4.7 mini ISO has _no_ problem seeing 
the 9GB drive.  Also does not error out when waiting for SCSI devices 
to settle like it used to, before resetting the isp1020 NVRAM.  Works 

2)  5.0:  NO CHANGE.  It still cannot see the 9GB drive.  When I choose 
Custom->Label, ONLY the 2.1GB drive shows up, and the 9GB is nowhere to 
be seen.  When I choose the step-by-step beginner method of install, I 
see two disks available, both da0 (?) and da1 (?) (may be getting the 
names wrong but there are 2), but when I select the second, da1, the 
disklabel program appears and there is _no_ disk at the top from which 
to create partitions.  Its simply not there.



On Sunday, April 20, 2003, at 09:13  PM, Dan Williams wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been stuck at 4.6.2 for a while, due to a number of problems.  
> I'd love to upgrade to 5.0, but its got issues.  For reference, I'm 
> using an AS 1000A 5/400, 1GB RAM, 2 x 2GB Seagate drives in SBB 
> carriers.  Summary of install problems:
> 4.7 install:
> 4.7 changed _something_ in the isp driver which rendered the system 
> inoperable.  Upon booting, and getting to the "Waiting 15 seconds for 
> SCSI devices to settle..." message, after about 10 seconds a large 
> number of error messages from the ISP driver would forever scroll down 
> the screen.  There was NO way to install 4.7 on my system since it 
> never even got to the install screen when booting from CD.  I 
> attempted to build a 4.7 kernel, which was successful, but upon 
> booting the 4.7 kernel, the same problem occurred.
> 5.0 install:
> I replaced one of the 2.1GB drives with an IBM DDRS 34560 4 GB U/W 
> drive.  For whatever reason, the FAULT light on the SBB carrier was 
> always on, and FreeBSD 5.0 install could not see the drive in 
> disklabel.  However, AlphaBIOS could see the drive and format it, if I 
> booted AlphaBIOS from the SRM console.
> I then tried a Quantum Atlas 10k drive, which I pulled working from a 
> Mac, and connected that in place of the IBM.  This drive did NOT have 
> the fault light on, and indeed is in all respects _normal_ like the 
> first 2.1GB that's always been in the box.  I booted the 5.0 install 
> but this drive was _NOT_ seen in disklabel.
> Next, I booted my 4.6.2 install CD set.  Now, without _any_ change 
> whatsoever to the drive or carrier, the Atlas is seen in disklabel!!!  
> How come this isn't the case for 5.0?
> One thing to note is that I think my isp chip NVRAM might be invalid, 
> but back with 4.7 I had tried booting with the option to 
> ignore/replace invalid isp NVRAM, and that did not help.
> Any suggestions appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Dan
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